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Switching from chipTAN to pushTAN

Changing your TAN procedure · Instructions

Switching from chipTAN to pushTAN

Changing your TAN procedure · Instructions

Ready to switch from chipTAN to pushTAN? If so, simply follow these instructions. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to use pushTAN right away.

You need

To do so, you will need:

QR code for downloading the S-pushTAN app


Download the latest version of the app, which is free, from the Apple or Google Play Store.

chipTAN generator

chipTAN generator

To authorise the switch from chipTAN to pushTAN, you will need your chipTAN generator.

Back of Sparkassen-Card (debit card)

Sparkassen-Card (debit card) – card number

At some stage during this process, you will be asked to enter your Sparkassen-Card (debit card) number. This number can be found on the rear of your card.

How to

How to:

Changing your TAN procedure – how to

If you would like to switch from chipTAN to pushTAN, simply follow these step-by-step instructions. What you’ll need: You will need to have already installed the S-pushTAN-App and have a password for it.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

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